Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wanted: Enterprise Content Management for Education

Sunday, August 30, 2009
One of the tasks that I’ll be working on during my brief stint here in Nepal is researching and (hopefully) implementing a way to organize all the different media objects produced by OLE Nepal as basis for their E-Paath learning activities. Currently we are talking about several thousand images, sounds, texts and videos but it’s not hard to imagine their repository containing hundred thousand or more artefacts in the not-too-distant future. Apart from the specific OLE Nepal use-case I also believe that even larger content repositories have to be a core consideration for both the larger OLPC and SugarLabs efforts.
In order to efficiently handle this quantity of material one needs a solid and scalable solution. Let’s just call it Educational Content Management (ECM), shall we?
The basic requirements for such a solution are as follows:
the ability to handle tens if not hundreds of thousands of multimedia objects
easy to search so existing objects can be quickly retrieved
a version control mechanism, especially for text documents which tend to undergo a lot of revisions
reasonably easy to integrate in the current workflow (I’ll take a closer look at this aspect in just a bit)
the ability to define workflows with the simplest one of them being the review of an object
support for metadata that goes beyond what normal file formats offer
allow for batch processing (upload, download, tagging, etc.)
preferably based on software people already know, e.g. a browser or file explorer


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